Kaja Dymnicki
Kaja Dymnicki
- Born in Linz, Upper Austria, on the 2nd of october 1984.
- Waldorfschool in Linz until 2004.
- Bachelor in theater and film science (University of Vienna).
- Directors Assistent in several Theater productions
- Designed stages in several off-theater Productions
- several jobs in film and advertisement, set design
- Directed and produced short film „Adventuremen“
- Produced own theater show „The Vast Land“ with partner Alexander Pschill. Did concept, stage design, co-directing, production...
- Master in Stage design 2014 (University of applied arts, Vienna).
- At the moment: Preparing new theater-project, and film-project (wrote film-script), stage design for theater-project with young refugees in Vienna.
Kaja Dymnicki is a participant of Dot Shorts program with the film A Few Pages About Tango